Examining the Challenges, Treatment Options, and Management of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Clinicians need to fully understand basal cell carcinoma, including treatment options, challenges, and disease management.
New Survey Shows Millennials and Gen Xers Not Practicing Sun Safety
A recent survey found that millennials and Gen Xers are not following safe sun habits, with many demonstrating low skin cancer awareness.
Addressing the Doubts Surrounding Sunscreen Safety
May is Skin Cancer Awareness month, and efforts are being made across the board to educate and take proactive steps to prevent the most common type of cancer. With sun exposure being the primary cause of skin cancer, accounting for over 90% of cases, there is a need to highlight the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) […]
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Blood Pressure Medications May Increase Skin Cancer Risk
Skin cancer is a continuously increasing cancer in the United States despite improvements in treatment and survival outcomes. While UV radiation exposure is the most important environmental risk factor to control for in terms of skin cancer prevention, photo-toxicity induced by certain medications can worsen cellular damage to the skin and increase the sun’s carcinogenic […]
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Assessing Cancer Risk Associated with Immunosuppressive TherapiesÂ
Over the past few decades, the dermatologic care of inflammatory skin conditions has been transformed through the growing use of small molecules disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and targeted biologic therapies. However, alongside the tremendous benefits offered by these therapeutic agents are concerns regarding potential adverse effects, in particular associated risks of cancer development. The controversial […]
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: At-Home Skin Cancer Prevention
The month of May is dedicated to Skin Cancer Awareness  during which organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology aim to raise awareness of safe sun habits, skin protection, and other important prevention strategies. Over 5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States alone and according to current estimates, […]